Patented Technology

Introduction to Our Patented Technologies

At GDEPL, we are committed to pioneering innovative solutions that address the global challenges of waste management and environmental sustainability. Our two flagship technologies—The State-of-the-Art Patented Multi-Jet Updraft Tri Fusion Reactor Gasifier and The State-of-the-Art Patented Plastic Pyrolysis Technology—represent the culmination of years of research, development, and practical application. These cutting-edge technologies not only offer efficient and sustainable methods for waste disposal but also transform waste into valuable resources, contributing to a circular economy.

The Multi-Jet Updraft Tri Fusion Reactor Gasifier Technology is a technology designed to manage and process a wide variety of waste types, including legacy landfill waste, municipal solid waste, and other complex waste streams. By integrating advanced processes such as Dehydration, Gasification, and Pyrolysis, this technology ensures the complete conversion of waste into useful byproducts, while eliminating the need for landfill disposal.

Meanwhile, our Plastic Pyrolysis Technology tackles one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time—plastic waste. Through an efficient thermal decomposition process, this technology converts various types of plastic waste into high-grade fuel, equivalent to Bharat Stage VI diesel, and biochar. This not only reduces plastic pollution but also provides a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.

Together, these patented technologies embody our vision of a cleaner, more sustainable future where waste is no longer a problem, but a resource.

Patented Multi-Jet Updraft Tri Fusion Reactor Gasifier Technology

GDEPL’s Patented Multi-Jet Updraft Tri Fusion Reactor Gasifier Technology represents a groundbreaking approach in waste management, particularly in the disposal of complex waste streams such as legacy landfill waste, reject waste, inert materials, wet, dry, and mixed municipal solid waste. This advanced technology integrates multiple waste processing techniques—Dehydration, Gasification, and Pyrolysis—into a single, cohesive process that transforms waste into valuable resources while minimizing environmental impact.

Process Overview:

01. Waste Handling and Initial Processing
  • The incoming waste is first received and securely transferred into enclosed bins to ensure proper containment and minimize environmental exposure.
  • Recyclable materials are carefully segregated, along with dry waste, while the remaining mixed waste is conveyed to the pyrolytic drying tank for further processing.
02. Pyrolytic Drying and Gasification
  • The drying tank is sealed to maintain a controlled environment, and gasification of the dry waste, which may include Green Coal or other non-hazardous dry materials, begins.
  • Concurrently, a water circulation system is employed in the condenser to cool any condensable gases produced during the process.
03. Energy Utilization and Product Recovery
  • The energy generated from the gasification process is harnessed to dry the incoming mixed waste, optimizing resource utilization.
    Initially, the process yields distilled water, accompanied by volatile compounds, which are collected in a condensate storage tank for further use.
04. Synthetic Gas Evolution
  • As the temperature within the reactor reaches 300 degrees Celsius and gradually rises to 720 degrees Celsius, the production of synthetic gas (syngas) commences.
  • This syngas is then stored in a gas storage tank, from where it can be recirculated back into the gasifier to sustain the heating requirements of the system.
05. Flexible Feedstock Input
  • The gasifier can be fed with a variety of input materials depending on the availability of dry waste. This includes dry waste, Green Coal from a previous cycle, or the syngas generated during the ongoing process.
  • This flexibility ensures continuous operation and maximizes the efficiency of waste-to-energy conversion.
06. Syngas Utilization
  • The surplus syngas produced can be utilized for multiple purposes:
  • Electricity Generation: Syngas can be used to generate electricity, providing a renewable energy source.
  • Commercial Fuel Supply: The syngas can be supplied in its uncompressed form to nearby commercial establishments for heating or other energy needs.
  • Cooling Applications: It can also serve as a fuel for vapor absorption chillers, contributing to centralized air-conditioning systems.
07. Water Recovery and Reuse
  • The distilled water obtained during the process is filtered through carbon filters to ensure purity.
  • This purified water is then available for irrigation or gardening purposes, promoting water conservation and sustainable reuse.
08. Zero-Waste Operation and By-Product Utilization
  • The process is designed to leave no residual waste for landfill disposal, as all materials are converted into value-added products.
  • Even the ash produced during gasification is repurposed for the manufacturing of fly ash bricks, ensuring complete utilization of by-products.

Key By-Products:

The Tri Fusion Reactor Gasifier Technology is designed not just for waste disposal but also for the efficient recovery of valuable byproducts. Each byproduct serves a specific purpose, contributing to environmental sustainability and resource conservation. Below is a detailed explanation of the key byproducts:

  • Hot Air: The gasification and pyrolysis processes generate significant amounts of hot air, which can be harnessed for various industrial applications. This hot air can be used directly in processes that require thermal energy, such as drying, heating, or even generating electricity through steam turbines.
  • Hot Water: The heat produced during the waste conversion process can also be used to heat water. This hot water can serve multiple purposes, including industrial heating, space heating, and domestic use. It can also be used in combined heat and power (CHP) systems to maximize energy efficiency.
  • Definition and Production: Biochar is a stable, carbon-rich material produced from the pyrolysis of organic waste. It is a highly porous substance that retains many of the properties of the original biomass but in a more stable form.
  • Applications: Biochar has several environmental benefits. When applied to soil, it improves soil fertility, water retention, and nutrient availability. It also acts as a long-term carbon sequestration agent, helping to mitigate climate change by locking carbon in the soil for centuries. Additionally, biochar can be used in water filtration and as an additive in animal feed to improve digestion and reduce methane emissions.
  • Definition and Production: Green Coal is produced by the gasification and pyrolysis of organic waste materials. It is a cleaner-burning alternative to conventional fossil coal, with lower emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO₂), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter.
  • Applications: Green Coal can be used as a substitute for traditional coal in industrial boilers, power plants, and other applications requiring solid fuel. It offers a more sustainable energy option, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and lowering the carbon footprint of energy-intensive industries.
  • Definition and Production: Sty Paint is a byproduct derived from the processing of waste materials. It is formulated for external use, particularly in applications where durability and environmental resistance are essential.
  • Applications: This paint can be used for coating and protecting external surfaces such as walls, fences, and other structures. It provides a sustainable alternative to conventional paints, utilizing recycled materials and contributing to waste reduction.
  • Definition and Production: Fly ash, a byproduct of the gasification process, is a fine, powdery material that can be combined with other binders to produce fly ash bricks. These bricks are made by compressing the mixture into molds and then curing them under controlled conditions.
  • Applications: Fly ash bricks are an eco-friendly building material that can be used in construction for paving, cladding, and wall building. They offer several advantages over traditional clay bricks, including better strength, reduced water absorption, and lower environmental impact. By using fly ash in brick production, the process diverts waste from landfills and reduces the need for virgin materials.
  • Definition and Production: Fuel Pellets are small, cylindrical pieces of compressed organic material, typically made from the residues of waste processing. These pellets are dense, easy to store, and transport, and they have a high energy content.
  • Applications: Fuel pellets serve as a renewable energy source for heating systems, power generation, and industrial processes. They can be used in pellet stoves, boilers, and power plants designed to burn biomass. The use of fuel pellets helps reduce dependence on fossil fuels, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, and promotes the utilization of renewable energy sources.

These byproducts from the Tri Fusion Reactor Gasifier Technology are not only valuable in their own right but also represent a significant step towards sustainable waste management and resource recovery. By transforming waste into useful products, GDEPL’s technology supports a circular economy, where resources are continually reused and recycled, minimizing environmental impact and promoting sustainability.

Patented Plastic Pyrolysis Technology

GDEPL’s Patented Plastic Pyrolysis Technology offers an innovative and sustainable solution to the global challenge of plastic waste. This technology is specifically designed to process legacy landfill plastics, including complex polymers such as polystyrene and polypropylene, converting them into oil (fuel) equivalent to Bharat Stage VI diesel, one of the highest emissions standards in the world. 

Patented Plastic Pyrolysis Technology is an innovative and sustainable solution for converting waste plastic into valuable crude oil and other byproducts. This process, known as depolymerization, breaks down plastic polymers into smaller hydrocarbon molecules, effectively turning them back into oil. The technology is designed to handle various types of plastics, each requiring specific treatment methods based on its chemical properties.

Process Overview:

01. Depolymerization of Plastics
  • Polypropylene (PP): This type of plastic is relatively straightforward to process as it does not have a tendency to form wax. It can be easily converted into oil without the need for additional catalysts.
  • Polyethylene (PE): Unlike PP, polyethylene has a tendency to form wax, which requires the use of suitable catalysts to facilitate the conversion process and prevent the formation of unwanted byproducts.
  • Polystyrene (PS) (Thermocol): Polystyrene yields high-quality oil, but its low density makes transportation expensive. To overcome this, GDEPL has developed a proprietary closed-loop system that processes polystyrene efficiently.
02. Closed-Loop Processing System
  • GDEPL’s closed-loop system is designed to maximize efficiency and minimize waste. The company operates on a business model that involves charging waste generators for processing their plastic waste. GDEPL does not purchase plastic; instead, it processes plastic waste that is brought to its collection centers, typically as part of municipal solid waste or through industrial clients who require segregation and processing services.
03. Processing Services
  • Collection and Segregation: GDEPL offers plastic processing services to clients, focusing on plastics that have no commercial value and require segregation. Waste plastic is collected, segregated, and prepared for processing at GDEPL’s facilities.
  • Melting and Conversion: The plastic waste is melted using fuel generated from the waste-to-oil process. Flexible plastics are melted into blocks, which are then brought to the pyrolysis plant for conversion into oil. Polystyrene is treated with a proprietary solvent to create a semisolid melt that is also processed into oil at the pyrolysis plant.
04. Excellence in Fuel Production
  • GDEPL has achieved a high level of expertise in processing waste plastic into drop-in fuel. This fuel is equivalent to high-speed diesel and meets Bharat VI specifications, making it suitable for use in vehicles and machinery. GDEPL’s industrial waste generators are also customers for this drop-in fuel, which they use directly in gensets and other applications.

Key By-Products:

The Tri Fusion Reactor Gasifier Technology is designed not just for waste disposal but also for the efficient recovery of valuable byproducts. Each byproduct serves a specific purpose, contributing to environmental sustainability and resource conservation. Below is a detailed explanation of the key byproducts:

  • Definition and Use: The primary product of the pyrolysis process, drop-in-fuel is equivalent to Bharat Stage VI diesel. It is a high-quality fuel that can be used in vehicles, machinery, and gensets, reducing reliance on traditional fossil fuels. This fuel is a cleaner alternative, contributing to lower emissions and a reduced environmental footprint.
  • Definition and Production: Biochar is a stable, carbon-rich material produced from the pyrolysis of organic waste. It is a highly porous substance that retains many of the properties of the original biomass but in a more stable form.
  • Applications: Biochar has several environmental benefits. When applied to soil, it improves soil fertility, water retention, and nutrient availability. It also acts as a long-term carbon sequestration agent, helping to mitigate climate change by locking carbon in the soil for centuries. Additionally, biochar can be used in water filtration and as an additive in animal feed to improve digestion and reduce methane emissions.
  • Definition and Use: Derived from the processing of specific types of plastics, Sty Paint is a byproduct used for external applications and water-proofing solutions. It offers a sustainable alternative to conventional paints, utilizing recycled materials and contributing to the reduction of plastic waste.
  • Definition and Production: Sty Paint is a byproduct derived from the processing of waste materials. It is formulated for external use, particularly in applications where durability and environmental resistance are essential.
  • Applications: This paint can be used for coating and protecting external surfaces such as walls, fences, and other structures. It provides a sustainable alternative to conventional paints, utilizing recycled materials and contributing to waste reduction.

The Patented Plastic Pyrolysis Technology developed by GDEPL not only addresses the challenge of plastic waste management but also creates valuable products that can be reintegrated into the economy. By converting waste plastic into high-quality fuel and other byproducts, this technology supports the principles of a circular economy, where waste is minimized, and resources are continually reused. GDEPL’s approach is a testament to the potential of innovative technologies to create sustainable solutions for some of the most pressing environmental issues of our time.

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